Thursday, July 28, 2005

cine paradiso

from one of the greatest paul movies of all time :) ..director's cut. And the music is bellisima tambien.

ALFREDO: I want to make you happy, Toto! I'm going to tell you a story.

Once upon a time a king gave a feast and there were all the most beautiful princesses of the realm. Basta, one of the guards, saw the king's daughter: she was the loveliest of all! And he immediately fell in love with her. But what could a poor soldier do compared with a king's daughter?!...One day he managed to meet her and told her he couldn't live without her. The princess was so struck by the depth of his feeling that she said to the soldier 'If you will wait a hundred days and a hundred nights beneath my balcony, then in the end I'll be yours.' Christ, the soldier ran off there and waited! One day, two days, ten, twenty...Every night she looked out of her window, but he never budged. Come rain, wind, snow, never budged! The birds shat on him and the bees ate him alive! After ninety nights he was gaunt and pale and tears streamed from his eyes but he couldn't hold them back. He didn't even have the strength to sleep any more. The princess kept watch...And on the ninety-ninth night, the soldier got up, picked up his chair and left!

And don't ask me what it means. If you figure it out, let me know...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

way of viaobuntu

I installed and am tweaking my new linux ubuntu operating system. this release is called the hoary hedgehog. it's great and i think i'll stick with it. bye bye windows. otherwise i'm a bit sad and just working on all sorts of things from cars to floors to websites to keep myself occupied.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Please don't pass me by

Last night i (telescopically speaking that is) studied the moon in a little better detail than before. amazing the craters and 'seas'. it takes a long time to get to know someone, and the moon.

Cohen: "I don't think too much. I never think, to tell you the truth. My own personal life is chaotic. Anybody who looks at my own personal life will come to the conclusion, rapidly, that I don't think at all. There's a kind of interior urgency about all things, as I see it. And I respond to it. I generally respond to it, in real life, in exactly the wrong way of doing things. As a friend of mine once said, 'Now Leonard, are you sure you're doing the wrong thing.' I hardly have a thought in my head. Something happens, you know, and I have to answer it with a poem or a song or my own work. I don't know a thing about love."

Thursday, July 14, 2005

top heavy strains the back

must i learn to stand and walk again? me, an old man! yes Saul saith the lorD, nevermind once laddy, for unless ye be born again every day or every hour ye shall become an old and dry stick, no good for anything but firewood.
ok lorD but i find it quite funny to learn such a trick as an older dog.

When gods die, they always die many kinds of death. Nietzsche from Thus spake Zarathustra

summer, fall, winter, spring

Jan and me went to watch an outdoor film at the filmfluss open air kino - What a way to watch a movie, on the banks of the schöni letten rivier with the moon and jupiter setting behind the screen as the movie ran. And it was a very good movie as well. About the life of a buddhist monk living with his teacher in a small monastry in the middle of a lake. Extraordinary cinematography.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

asi es, asi fue, asi sera,si o no..claro que si

"Quiero estar junto a la persona que amo.
No quiero saber el precio que habré de pagar.
No quiero saber si será bueno o malo para mi vida.
No quiero saber si esa persona me quiere o no
Lo único que necesito, lo único que deseo, es estar cerca de la persona que amo.
- de la obra La buena alma de Tse-Chuang, de Bertold Brecht