I'm back in more ways than 1 :) First of all thanks Vica for your nice words(c nov 11 post). I guess faith in life and ourselves makes everything so much brighter and nicer :)
I had 2 interesting insights the last 2 weeks. Both are well 'known', but i felt them i little closer to my own bones.
One. Good and evil are two masks, two siblings who sometimes disown each other. They may be quite different at times but they both belong to a bigger mother wholon. Even though the fashion is to be 'good' these days the higher value is just to BE ... well! - Nietsche's beyong good and evil me thinks.
Two. The other night i saw my anima. Amazing that she is such a driving force in me and yet i barely notice or know her. And the more i do not, the more she acts without my 'guidance'. I 'saw' her in a dream state. This woman that 'i' believe to be the perfect match for the man in me. And i had a thought. For a woman to enter into my life, this Anima of mine has a bigger say than 'i'. My partner and my anima must get along and respect each other unless i want a catfight ;) The same goes for a woman. Her animus must accept the man she is with. I know this all sounds far out, but go to that deep place were all your inborn and learnt desires and expectations about a partner sits, and you will find her or him there. Very much alive and with significant power. The less conscious you are of her the more power she has. Do you see my dear ...