Wednesday, August 08, 2007

cameras hold .... action!

Today by co-incidence the actors and actressess (those getting paid) arrived in the boatyard along with a large entourage of police officials who seem to be starring with them in the film. This was the most police officials i have seen together in one place. Co-incidentaly someone told me about a robbery this morning in claremont. So while the cops were trying their hand at acting the robbers were acting out of/their hand. viva s-africa. So they came - the hip, the fast and the weird. Another sunny day flies past. Oh and i heard yesterday from my far-off friends and two of the most beautiful woman north of the alps ;) i miss you. Alas the boat is moving forward slowly or fast depending on which world you view it from.

And to end my song on acting I urge you to follow the rabbit(white) and refer you to northern exposure, season two, episode 6, WAR AND PEACE. (to those of you you haven't seen this series several times, my condolences and try to live a little in your next live). Ok I leave that to you deareader. As Marilyn says in said episode, why don't we move on to the next scene, it's a pretty good one :) hail NE

Monday, August 06, 2007

Mo Ra Luh Ti tee tieh tittititititii ti tat diid tata tutarratatat pa ta ...

Today the antarctic has sent us a little storm to rip the sails from our masts :)

Actually what i had wanted to write about yesterday was the ending of morality and guilt. One would think violence increases without morality (as some vehemently accuse) but i suspect it is just the opposite. Although it is so that morality also has the function of ordering social interaction. I would argue that being without morals doesn't mean being without awareness/empathy/love. Perhaps the morals exist as part of complex relationships, inside and out, but being 'without' morals means one is free to adjust, choose, create morals that fit the moment/situation. - And God realized that the moment they eat of the fruit of the tree of good and evil they would be like them. And so it came, guilt and shame and awareness, but not yet the skill to handle this power. So perhaps i shouldn't(should i ;) speak of the END of morality but rather similiar to Nietzsche of the (OVER)CUMMING of morality. No longer do I drown and choke in the maelstrom of being-interactions, of musts and needs, cravings and shouldnt's, past regrets and future obligations. Rather i watch with awareness and swim, dive, float and play in and with these interactions without letting them sweep me along. "Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. therefore i watch my fear or morality and allow it to pass over and through me and where it has gone one i turn the inner eye and see that is has gone" (paraphrase from herbert's dune). But before more.allah.ti can thus cum or be overCum the silence within m...ust!?,should?,has to? arise, in the mind, awareness in the body. um looks like language also has to! be overcome. Let's re-over-phrase.
aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuoooommmmmmmmmmmm. aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuoooommmmmmmmmmmm. aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuoooommmmmmmmmmmm.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

cuming soon herr wilhelm sheikspeer

summer tiiime and the living is eeeeaaasyyy .. well just for a day here in ct.

a quick crypt.ik wizOh from doC sigh.kollow.gisT relating to projecta-therapi x.pounded on in last issue. how does one know when something isn't projecting but just plain the other bastards' problem? The degree of accompanying emotion is often a good indicator that the mote is on my s(l)ide and not in the other eyi, e.g. we should bomb the lot now and wipe them out, usually means i have some issues. (you too dick)

On a related note ... I'm struggling with the concept of morality, shame/guilt and violence at the moment. i think they are related. The contrasts in s-africa and myself are really extreme.
On the old hand i found s-africa has up to present been a space/time full of strict moral codes, extreme violence and extremely guilt/shame. me too.
Now i find a beautiful flowering (to me) of people who speak out about the level of violence, who disregard the old morality, the fucking f-word, are wary of ow.thorough.terri.anism and embrace sex.u.all di.versity. sssssssxxxxxxsssssuuuuuaaalllclitoriscuntmasturbationpenisanalkakloveinlovetonguenakederectiondischargesementitssadoscrotumblowjobearnecrofilialkissamritapornoslutlipsuterussmellsucklickfuckfuckfuck
blissssssss. They also seem to have a more humourful style in general, i.e. less anal.e retentive :)

It seems to me these approaches can be categorizzzd as the the fearful(vrees) vs the free(vry) approach. The fearful sees demons, dangers and darkness lurking everywhere and therefore covers, hides and restricts(spitts out, lots of drama).
The free sees power, potential, possibilitites and there fore innovates, investigates and in.spires(breathes in, becomes aware)

Changing tack slightly and hitting a squal ;) ... i find this earth(or myself) to be an extremely deluded sad and fearful place just recently. It seems to me zat urfpeepil waste their lives chained like slaves to dead moments. We are bad actors who don't even now we are acting. Haha. we are the cheapest actors in the universe. Any alien race (like the adamisian mice for example ;) could just come here, create a little script and film it for audiences back home(sirius6?). want mindless violence. we've got it. naive flagellation. bingo. timesaving devices that waste time. say no more. hippies chanelling nirvana. heehaa.(i've offended even myself now ;) And they won't even have to pay for it because we are blisslessly and disastrously unaware we are actors. in fact we are not aware of much at all and probably totally unaware that we already starred(xqz d pun) in 6 nebula award winning films (in the betelguese star cluster (know for their love of the tragi-trashy-comico-politico-dark-soapy-slapstick genre)). Maybe this explains why actors and actressess are such stars on this planet. they give us the opportunity to be actors acting that we are watching actors acting us acting we are not acting. vivaaa ... vivaaa.. vivaaa dramaaaaah.

think how much fun we could have if we only realized we were actors. oh the roles and places we could see and be my son ... i said to the gelle bueb (yellow boy) or he to me.

btw. has anybody seen my soul, mate? :o