Friday, February 29, 2008


Sex is a lot like Zen archery. The preparation to shoot the arrow is arduous. Shooting the arrow easy. Once you've done the hard work of personal development, all you do is let the arrow go. The arrow shoots itself. Sex flows.
Pscychology today article on intimacy

:) studylife studylove studysex out

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My oh my... or my oh you or you oh you or .. Oh us

I forgot an old trick, well actually a young trick for me, i learnt from Byron katie: turn your loaded statement around a few times. It's amazing the truth it produces: "you only contact me when you need something from me", becomes: _I_ only contact you when i need something from you! or you should contact me when you need something from me. Or more subtle, i only contact you when i need something from myself, or i should contact you when you need something from me. And it can go more subtle still. And the reason for this magick is merely because our assumption that i and you are separate is somewhat erroneous ;)

Monday, February 25, 2008

True Love

True love. Is it normal
is it serious, is it practical?
What does the world get from two people
who exist in a world of their own?

Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason,
drawn randomly from millions but convinced
it had to happen this way - in reward for what?
For nothing.
The light descends from nowhere.
Why on these two and not on others?
Doesn't this outrage justice? Yes it does.
Doesn't it disrupt our painstakingly erected principles,
and cast the moral from the peak? Yes on both accounts.

Look at the happy couple.
Couldn't they at least try to hide it,
fake a little depression for their friends' sake?
Listen to them laughing - its an insult.
The language they use - deceptively clear.
And their little celebrations, rituals,
the elaborate mutual routines -
it's obviously a plot behind the human race's back!

It's hard even to guess how far things might go
if people start to follow their example.
What could religion and poetry count on?
What would be remembered? What renounced?
Who'd want to stay within bounds?

True love. Is it really necessary?
Tact and common sense tell us to pass over it in silence,
like a scandal in Life's highest circles.
Perfectly good children are born without its help.
It couldn't populate the planet in a million years,
it comes along so rarely.

Let the people who never find true love
keep saying that there's no such thing.

Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die.

- Wislawa Szymborska

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

boot boe

I'm still only slowly getting back my strength but was very relieved today to confirm that i have the lead for my keel. Now just to figure out an offer for it. Here's a pic of my prototype companionway ladder in pine. The real one will be made next month.

tonight is so quiet and peaceful that i hear the cricket that lives under my boat. beautiful. well at least i hope he lives there. if i only knew what he needs to move in permanently ;-)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Love connects

My first blog entry using my itablet from inside my boat. Yip a more powerful antenna did the trick.

polish love poem to follow

Friday, February 15, 2008

short of it

My swiss voyage was short but intense. Packed with yoga, long talks with friends, great dining, being a full time nanny for a week to a friends 8 month old daughter, relationship issues, setting up a computer, travelling into the mountains shortly. Deep meditation. Some dreams. Did i mention good food and red wine ;) Cold but mostly sunny and more like spring weather. This synopsis unfortunately omits any 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th chakra information ;)

When in d'schwiiz i felt the tug of a message concerning being sick. I asked it to duly wait untill i'm at home and it has kept its word. Since yesterday i'm confined to ships quarters. I need a rest from so much moving through space and mind.


Saturday, February 02, 2008

BarbaPaul in d'Schwiiz

I'm writing this blog entry on the bog entry ;) ...from this amazing little tablet the nokia n810. amazing! Also had a nice fondu with Jan & Darinka last night and ... i survived(and she) looking after Liora for the day. it was actually also kindoff nice and fun.