Thursday, November 25, 2010

hitchhiker's guide to galaxC - true stories

one dark stormy night as i was bouncing along alone around the galaxsea on my -space-ship, i heard a curious noise. checking outside in the cloudy blackness i saw two birds (Noddey's as it turned out) following my vessel, screeching as they came near to alight. it dawned on me these two grey stragllers of the ocean where trying to hitch a ride with me for the night. well good enough mates, as long as you don't scratch my solar panels; and um stay away from the bananas too.
They had a tough time boarding, with us cavorting along boisteriously on a wild sea, but eventually made it. Later I went to sleep as usual.
Some time in the night i groggily woke up with the strange feeling i have to do something(check for boats maybe?). i stood up, and shut-eyed tried to think what this could be. In the darkness i slowly edged nearer my entrance steps when i realized what this strange feeling was - i was not alone! i gave an big instinctive leap backwards. this was the first time any being bigger than a fruitfly had been with inside the boat at sea.
There it was, foolishly yet unapologetically standing around at the bottom of my steps. for how long i do not know. i was not happy. i could already envision the ensuing mess of feathers and prime agricultural fertilizer Odorning the rest of my night. i started cursing and questioning it. I got hold of a flashlight to exam my guest closer. Curiously (considering my status as omnivore) it was just sort of standing around, not at all thinking of leaving. I groped around in a panicky rush for some guano expendable containment device. Finding one i resolved to end this nightmare quickly. i put the flashlight in my mouth, blinded the intruder, and with a chaotic hopefulness threw it down towards the sole. as i said it was late at night. noddey arose flapping and i grabbed a pillow to protect my nether appendages from malicious damage. it was a short uneventful flight though and it ended up gimbaling right over my bed, still not really looking out of sorts. I feared this move was tactical. Guano-blackmail is an ugly game.

Slowly it was becoming apparent to me that there is one thing a noddy is unable to do, and that is to panick. in this it was following the prime command of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy rigorously - Don't Panik. Realizing i'm dealing with a panick-geneless animal, i too gave up this game and with boldness grabbed the grey little chicken around the guzzle. it didn't struggle much at all though perhaps my grip WAS still a bit panicky. outside its mate was sitting unperturbed next to the entrance as i threw the fresh prince overboard. it took to the dark sky and in a curve came back to start the hike all over again. amazing i thought. they really have no fear of becoming Nandos Spicy Noddey Nuggets.

i closed my hatch after that, not wishing more excitingment than i already had on this part of the Brazil coast.
captainsblob stardate x

Thursday, June 17, 2010


well i seems i have been absent a wee bit. Sailed to Luderitz, namibia. then after 3 weeks there on to isolated tropical st. helena island. After 3 weeks there I sailed to Salvador Brazil where I arrived the day before yesterday :-)

Friday, March 26, 2010

getting ready

re-torqued my engine head bolts today and changed the oil. that's my action for friday night. and they think a cruiser's life is glamorous ;-)

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

on the water

tonight i felt like a ‘cruiser’ for the first time - i woke up in my boat, i shat in my boat, ate breakfast in it, worked on it, listened to music on it, pissed around it, swam around it, showered from it, looked to the stars from it, and sent this message from it :-) ... a floating home at last.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

lost in the story

what am i thinking about... depression and lightness, love and time, my lovely new ais radio, good and evil, the human swarm and its nest, morals.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

It may be that we are doomed, that there is no hope for us, any of us, but if that is so then let us set up a last agonizing, bloodcurdling howl, a screech of defiance, a war whoop! Away with lamentation! Away with elegies and dirges! Away with biographies and histories, and libraries and museums! Let the dead eat the dead. Let us living ones dance about the rim of the crater, a last expiring dance. But a dance!

Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer, 1934

Saturday, January 23, 2010

holy smut

i saw a terrible thing yesterday. haitians were fighting each other to get to food delivered from outside. But that seems understandable. What i found incredible was the american flag printed on the bags of food. does their self-righteousness know no bounds. if that is kindness i would rather hate.