Sunday, January 30, 2005

dreams of no return

i had some very vivid dreams last night. in one i went back to safrica and my parents' home, but didn't go inside the house. when my father and family came out i went closer to kiss him hello, but then unexpectedly stopped just before his face and said the word "totsiens"(goodbye) instead of hello. it just slipped out and i was embarressed and not sure what he would do. then i stayed in an outside room and one by one my family came to talk with me and only at the end my aunt and mother. she seemed distant, sullen. usually she is so excited when i come back.

in the other dream i kissed N hello at the coming wedding. and we couldn't stop and just started kissing very passionately and intense. over and over i dreamed this last sequence each time with a variation.

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