Saturday, June 04, 2005

doa, paradise and the river

so this is my latest treatise on good and evil, the dao and the absolute.
in the garden of eden man indeed became free like goD, and so 'evil' appeared(although of course the process had been there from the start).

The river, the dao,goD flows and we are in it, a part of it. but since we are becoming more free, aware, god-like we also to shape the river we are in with our desires. Some more skillfully than others but all contributing to the river and in fact we are the river. We may exhaust ourselves directly against it(so called evil) or flow with it, or anything in between and all our actions influence it. Though in the end all flows to the sea and in the beginning from the sea. So it is and goes.

You can be more like goD or less, move up or down, towards love or indifference, build or break, joy or pain, more intelligent or idiotic. But we remain in the body of goD. As a cell it is easier to move and work with the whole and the purpose of the whole, and yet to go against it is also part of it. Death and life, good and evil - the eternal dance.

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