Wednesday, September 28, 2005

How do I kiss her?

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55. Fng - Abundance [Fullness]

Chn The Arousing, Thunder is above. Li The Clinging, Flame is below.
Judgement: Abundance has success. The king attains abundance. Be not sad. Be like the sun at midday.
Image: Both thunder and lightning come Image of Abundance. Thus the superior man decides lawsuits And carries out punishments.
Six in the second place means: The curtain is of such fullness That the polestars can be seen at noon. Through going one meets with mistrust and hate. If one rouses him through truth, Good fortune comes.
Six in the fifth place means: lines are coming, Blessing and fame draw near. Good fortune.

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43. Kuai - Break-through (Resoluteness)

Tui The Joyous, Lake is above. Ch'ien The Creative, Heaven is below.
Judgement: Break-through. One must resolutely make the matter known At the court of the king. It must be announced truthfully. Danger. It is necessary to notify one's own city. It does not further to resort to arms. It furthers one to undertake something.
Image: The lake has risen to heaven Image of Break-through. Thus the superior man Dispenses riches downward And refrains from resting on his virtue.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Monday, September 26, 2005

studylife Pro-Anti gress report

With a proclaimed and inborn mission to find the answer to the universe (which numerically is expressed as 42 .. see wikipedia) i (k)now present you with my 35 yearly progress report:

Uh. ahem. I have to say in one sense i'm not one tiny nano-inch closer to IT know than i was at the 'start'. The words of poet Robert Frost comes to mind, “We dance around in a circle and suppose but the secret sits in the center and knows”. In one sense I know and have experienced much more and enjoyed seeing things clearer, but in the most fundamental sense the truth(and us) has always been sitting there in the center, with us(and me) dancing around it like a moth doing the salsa. Welcome to the strange world of just being. Well on that totally zen and unsatisfactory note(haha), i proclaim this 35 yearly report closed and predict that next report would have reported the same, perhaps a only a little shorter.

Last night i danced upon another ineresting morsel the truth threw out at me. Perhaps my mission of thruth finding is just a way the little boy i was is seeking to become whole again. Perhaps that is why i have no great interest in pure philosophy, as i feel the answer to search lies not only in the mental but in the body and heart and mind and all of it.

this is the most beautiful and most evil universe i have ever know -- the little boy

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

dark materials

dear nobody,everybody, somebody, anybody & body

it has been a strange few days touched with a scent of otherworldliness. First there was the unusually deep meditation of sunday which J seemed to experience too. No light or loving or illusionary but painful and heavy. Then moonday came over like cold grey moorish mist and settled dully obscuring the passage of time. Yes autumn has arrived oppresively. It is no wonder to me now that the northern peoples are more solitary inward looking people and the equatorials more physical and emotionally expansive.

Then the evening suddenly seemed to close in around me like a cage; not depressive, but alert and dark like an omen. Before going to bed I received an unwanted invitation that took me some time inwardly to transmogrify to humour and acceptance. But after doing that I couldn't fall asleep. I went back to my early childhood days in a way never experienced before. I examined my most distressing fears and sweet victories and also my relationship with my parents, and came to some new awareness about it all. Then I started to dream and in the morning i repeated the same dream over and over, unable to escape it. It didn't make sense, was not creative and had something to do with money. When I woke up I was sick with flu and still am as i write this. All hopes of tasting a fine bottle of tempranillo red vino tonight sadly blocked; an old man's cough and sore bones my only companion. At least the sun came to attend sunset just now for a change. Let us hope strength will return to me soon, because this time marks the end/begining of a cycle.

mucously yours


Humility, Severe Circumspection And Meticulous Attention To Detail Will Bring You A Success. It Is Not The Time, To Try Grand Projects. His Conservative And Work At Small Efforts. His On Your Best Conduct. Avoid Conflict And Over-Assertiveness. Frugality And Reverence Are In Order Now.

Line 2: Although You Have No Reliable Followers, Will Be OK, As Long As You Dealings With Modesty And Respect.

from Dirk Gently's I-Ching Calculator

Monday, September 12, 2005

Saturday, September 10, 2005

where i'm going is anybody's guess

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How ev'rything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sunday faces

The nicest part of today was just sitting in the car outside the enge shopping complex and watching people(and their dogs) coming and going with their sunday faces and routines. somehow it was so familiar and intimate to see this. I guess how people look and behave on a sunday morning is much truer to who they really are inside. And seeing two beautiful dogs i realized i really miss having a dog. mmm must remember to get: dog, girlfriend, big kitchen for cooking with wok ;)

Also did my taxes today. Damn why do i have to make so much money to give away ;)