Monday, September 26, 2005

studylife Pro-Anti gress report

With a proclaimed and inborn mission to find the answer to the universe (which numerically is expressed as 42 .. see wikipedia) i (k)now present you with my 35 yearly progress report:

Uh. ahem. I have to say in one sense i'm not one tiny nano-inch closer to IT know than i was at the 'start'. The words of poet Robert Frost comes to mind, “We dance around in a circle and suppose but the secret sits in the center and knows”. In one sense I know and have experienced much more and enjoyed seeing things clearer, but in the most fundamental sense the truth(and us) has always been sitting there in the center, with us(and me) dancing around it like a moth doing the salsa. Welcome to the strange world of just being. Well on that totally zen and unsatisfactory note(haha), i proclaim this 35 yearly report closed and predict that next report would have reported the same, perhaps a only a little shorter.

Last night i danced upon another ineresting morsel the truth threw out at me. Perhaps my mission of thruth finding is just a way the little boy i was is seeking to become whole again. Perhaps that is why i have no great interest in pure philosophy, as i feel the answer to search lies not only in the mental but in the body and heart and mind and all of it.

this is the most beautiful and most evil universe i have ever know -- the little boy

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