Saturday, October 29, 2005

3 things, no 4

it's tonight now and i feel lonely&close to everything and just a chlini bit stoned . I saw one of the best movies tonight. Chosen by Jan, it was a Japanese film called Nobody knows. But I think a better title would have been everybody knows, but doesn't realize.

And I also listened for a first time, going home through sleeping streets, to a song i've heard a thousand times before. But tonight I listened to it for the first time. Not completely, but it's a start. An amazing song and useless to write about it really. -Ballad of the absent Mare by Leonard Cohen.

Also Mars and da sisters are shining beautifully and close in the midnight sky. Hope you weathered the hurricane Lily. Must've been quite a tempest, although not quite equal to you yet ;)

shlaf guet wêreld.

I want you, I want you, I want you
On a chair with a dead magazine
In a cave at the tip of the lily
In some hallway where love's never been
- from I'm your man, Leonard Cohen

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