Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sailing to the wild coast

13 - 24 Des.
My desire to inspect the kula dhamma community turned into a road trip. With Oloff and Paolo i went south, first sailing on the vaal, then bloemfontein, hogsback in the mountain mists, the south coast at kenton, then khula dhamma, the nothern wildcoast at Port st johns, and finally ended with my family at glenmore. The beauty of each of these places was exceptional but i only longed for silence. But what a varied and woanderfilled world. In Khula dhamma i had the great fortune of coming across the work of Masanobu Fukuoka.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Airports are surreal places

I'm camping here in athens airport. what makes these flying 'bus stations' with borders surreal? Well the repetitive background muzak, numerous identical shops with 'cultural' gifts , millions of identical glass doors that are closed, hundreds of identical security personnel, repetitive, weirdly translated, and highly annoying public anouncements. Get the picture. But despite this alien zone people are surprisingly friendly .. friendly .. friendly ... ;)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

in the valais

hiking with simone. 28 nov. - 1 des.
snowboarded yesterday at the 3000m les diablerets glacier park. amazingly, wonderfully, stupendously beautiful and fun.