Tuesday, December 18, 2012

i correct my last post. I had another dream 'with' my friend Karl. This time he was normal and friendly. He was, together with another man, with us at a meeting just to talk to them. We could ask them questions and at one point i asked a few very direct questions about ...? . It felt like a revoluniary, 'underground' meeting. At the end the meting was broken up by men from the  'secret' police branch taking us away. But i felt unconcerned, lighthearted, discussing with an old airforce friend the topic of flying airplanes.

In another dream, Simone and I were looking for a house. We found a tall round one with lots of glass windows, many floors, a 'room' like a kitchen in the garden, and a lovely big round guestroom at parterre level. She was eager to buy but I was suspicious about the low price and haconcerns about how cold the house would be in winter.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Another dream last night with my friend Karl in it. We were in a family house somewhere getting ready to sleep. For some reason he was not happy with what I did/was doing. We lay down to sleep in different parts of the house. After I short while i got up to find a better place. In my dreams he always has a different aspect to other 'characters' in my dreams. He is not the friend of my memory, but more a distant spectre.