One thing that i've become aware of lately is how easy it is to give oneself psychotherapy. really. Just write down all the things you recently felt bugs you about other people & life. And viola, there you have it. These are secretly the things YOU are frustated about that you do or don't. & to think i'm giving all this Ad.vice? 4 free ;)
I'm frustated that:
... there are not more people seeing through life's facade
Translation- I wish i'm not so often caught napping and totally missing the now.
...that there are so few woman taking risks and experimenting with new things
Translation- That i'm not acting risky and allowing different(from my ideals) woman into my life.
...that people are so 'scientific' and sceptical and stuck in their old paradigms
Translation- that i'm sceptical and negative and stuck in my old paradigm instead of trusting life to show me the way.
...that no one around me seems to speak 'my' language
Translation- problem is i think everyone has to 'speak' like me otherwise it's not worth the effort.
...that people still argue the whole time that they are right and others are wrong as in usa,muslims, christians, politicians,blacks,whites,poor, rich, woman, men, parents,children infinitum. Come on people can't we break through.
Translation: Come on Pauli, can't you accept everyone and everything are different. Good, evil, black,light, boring, adventurous. Stop trying to prove or defend anything and go beyond.
Chances are none of these things in others would bother me if I was happy with my own progress as paulgrimm ;)
v from the island of stadilie.ffih
love p