Tuesday, September 20, 2005

dark materials

dear nobody,everybody, somebody, anybody & body

it has been a strange few days touched with a scent of otherworldliness. First there was the unusually deep meditation of sunday which J seemed to experience too. No light or loving or illusionary but painful and heavy. Then moonday came over like cold grey moorish mist and settled dully obscuring the passage of time. Yes autumn has arrived oppresively. It is no wonder to me now that the northern peoples are more solitary inward looking people and the equatorials more physical and emotionally expansive.

Then the evening suddenly seemed to close in around me like a cage; not depressive, but alert and dark like an omen. Before going to bed I received an unwanted invitation that took me some time inwardly to transmogrify to humour and acceptance. But after doing that I couldn't fall asleep. I went back to my early childhood days in a way never experienced before. I examined my most distressing fears and sweet victories and also my relationship with my parents, and came to some new awareness about it all. Then I started to dream and in the morning i repeated the same dream over and over, unable to escape it. It didn't make sense, was not creative and had something to do with money. When I woke up I was sick with flu and still am as i write this. All hopes of tasting a fine bottle of tempranillo red vino tonight sadly blocked; an old man's cough and sore bones my only companion. At least the sun came to attend sunset just now for a change. Let us hope strength will return to me soon, because this time marks the end/begining of a cycle.

mucously yours


Humility, Severe Circumspection And Meticulous Attention To Detail Will Bring You A Success. It Is Not The Time, To Try Grand Projects. His Conservative And Work At Small Efforts. His On Your Best Conduct. Avoid Conflict And Over-Assertiveness. Frugality And Reverence Are In Order Now.

Line 2: Although You Have No Reliable Followers, Will Be OK, As Long As You Dealings With Modesty And Respect.

from Dirk Gently's I-Ching Calculator

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