Thursday, January 20, 2005

all world's a stage

Image, like Shakespeare did, that we are all actors/actresses in goD's play(maybe Dante too). Then the more we realise this and discover the possibilities available to us on this stage(how it works), the more we can choose our roles/acts and scenes. Well some things have of course already been determined, such as the entrance place and 'mask' of our character and the general rules of the stage and behaviour of the other players around us. In my imagination this of course leaves little room for morality, but this is something i have suspected occasionally when drunk. So with this knowledge, we forget the shoulds and shouldn'ts, see the past as the last episode, and choose or accept our roles and play them with as much fun or drama as any hollowwood movie star. so are the days of our lives...

any flaws in this view?:)

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